i'm from romania,europe,and i have a project about schools in other countries.in romania all schools start on september 15th.i thought that in usa is the same
Other - Education - 7 Answers
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1 :
depends what school mine starts at sept. 8
2 :
Well every school is different. Some start on Aug 17 and some start sept 1. Every school is different
3 :
It depends, mines the 9th :) but somtime around then I guess
4 :
Depends where you are. Some Start in AUgust and get out in May and some start in September get out in July. All Colleges usually start in august but high schools and primary schools start in late august and early September
5 :
Our local grade school began last monday. The rest of the students begin August 24.
6 :
Middle school start at 9:00 High school start at 7:00
7 :
It all depends on the type of school and where in the country. I know some areas of the country (southwest...?) start in late July/early August. The majority of schools, though, start in late August/early September. Also, a lot of private and charter schools start earlier than public schools.
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