Some schools in Mississippi get $2,000 per year per child and some in NY Westchester county get $20,000 per child per year. All must follow same Bush law, why not same funding?
Law & Ethics - 6 Answers
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1 :
It is different because of the cost of living and overhead costs.
2 :
i was asking myself the same question, the other day! if they are funded equally, then they have an equal opportunity at I right!?!?!
3 :
No everyone should have equal freedom to go to any public school they want or be given vouchers to pay for part of the cost to the private school of their choice. Problem solved. Write your congressperson and make it happen
4 :
Because if you are poor, you always get less in America - from birth to grave. Bush does not care about Mississippi. Hell For that matter, he does not care about NY either, all he care about is Bush!!!!
5 :
School funding is based on tax revenue in the county that people reside. My taxes fund the schools where I live. So, the higher the property values, the more tax revenue generated for the school in that area. With that comes more money per child in the school district. Texas tried the "Robin Hood" program where they took some of the revenue from richer districts to give to poorer districts. But, it caused such a commotion, they stopped. People work hard to make what they make. If they are successful, there tax money should stay in their district.
6 :
Thats why the states should be dealing with these issues.
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