A few friends and I have been considering attending grad school in Australia/New Zealand. Obviously we would need to take out loans and I was wondering if these are easily obtainable. It's important to note that this is not a study abroad program within a United States University but actually attending a University there for Masters/PHD degrees.
Financial Aid - 3 Answers
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1 :
Often times US Loan companies have a list of schools that they lend to and usually they are only in the US. I would suggest talking to your financial aid office at the school you're attending and see what they've had students do before. Also, because of the current economic down fall, many lending companies have had to close their opperations for a time. It may be very difficult to obtain a loan in the US, espcially if you don't have great credit.
2 :
If your school is listed here http://www.fafsa.ed.gov/FOTWWebApp/FSLoo... you can use federal student loans and grants to study there. Select "Foreign country" from the dropdown on the second page.
3 :
There are 8 universities in New Zealand: Auckland, AUT (Auckland) Waikato (Hamilton), Massey (Palmerston North), Victoria (Wellington), Canterbury (Christchurch), Lincoln (near Christchurch), and Otago (Dunedin). US Financial Aid is available for courses at Auckland, Canterbury, Victoria, Waikato and Massey. It also appears to be available at AUT. I could not find anything about US Financial Aid on Otago's website, but they do have a contact in International Student Services for US Finacial Aid - so it's very likely that you can get it to study at Otago, too. Lincoln does not participate in the US Federal Loan program, but is registered with a private loan provider.
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